I am You're Not
She wouldve hated it,
Apple's rotten to ground,
I am eating blisters,
There's no more left,
No one talks to me,
I am blood bullet,
Slow eyes of a long day,
maybe youll find me too,
underneath the troubles,
theres more crisis,
Hope I'll find a bug,
so wont be hungry,
maybe I'll disappear,
thats what im made for,
nobody's after me,
Im after nobody,
god find peace in heaven
I find hell on earth,
satan feels warm in hell,
to him my soul ill sell,
Im not feeling comfortable,
with you, sitting next to me,
looking at you,
getting me all blind
I cant steer allright,
dont even have the rights
right into the tree,
theres no me anymore,
I cant see myself,
I will never trust, you,
troubles, trouble you too,
All my chances blew,
I cant see, im blind,
show me where I am,
A dog needs plenty 'o love,
Maybe im a puppy, too
She wouldve hated it,
Apple's rotten to ground,
I am eating blisters,
There's no more left,
No one talks to me,
I am blood bullet,
Slow eyes of a long day,
maybe youll find me too,
underneath the troubles,
theres more crisis,
Hope I'll find a bug,
so wont be hungry,
maybe I'll disappear,
thats what im made for,
nobody's after me,
Im after nobody,
god find peace in heaven
I find hell on earth,
satan feels warm in hell,
to him my soul ill sell,
troubles are nothing,
everything's nothing fault,
everyone hates nothing,
she doesnt like nothing,
I am nothing
låt: I am Youre not
skriven av: Mik
Handling: stort sett alla mina problem som händer överallt, speciellt de 2 senaste åren
tillägnad till: um... mi sj? och alla som skapat dessa problem xD
låter som: Big Long Now