Har gjort en singel när jag var sjuk =)
Med 3 låtar!
så ser den ut!
1. I want to die
2. When you go
3. I need water!!
I want to die:
Sometimes I want that
(I want to die)
Sometimes I want to kill
(I want to die)
Maybe its just a feeling
Maybe I really wanted
Luckely I didn't make it
feeling pretty healthy♦
When you go:
When you go
All the fast seconds go so slow
I have to admit it
And all my thoughts;
everything just gets lost
I cant stand it one minute
I cant wait
until I break
and die
all alone
I will die all alone x3♦
I need some water!!:
Outta town,
outta my sight,
I am killing right now(?)
I cant take it no more
Oh god, the pain!
Oh god 'm killing my throat
Damn, I'm killing my throat
Holy fuck, I'm killing my throat
Yeah, Im killing my throat
Actually I should be resting
But im making this song ayayyyy(?)
oh, god, oh god It hurts!!
oh god I'm seriously litteraly killing my throat,
oh yeeeaaah killing my throat
killing my throat
I need some water x2
tortyr (?) ]

1. I want to die
2. When you go
3. I need water!!
I want to die:
Sometimes I want that
(I want to die)
Sometimes I want to kill
(I want to die)
Maybe its just a feeling
Maybe I really wanted
Luckely I didn't make it
feeling pretty healthy♦
When you go:
When you go
All the fast seconds go so slow
I have to admit it
And all my thoughts;
everything just gets lost
I cant stand it one minute
I cant wait
until I break
and die
all alone
I will die all alone x3♦
I need some water!!:
Outta town,
outta my sight,
I am killing right now(?)
I cant take it no more
Oh god, the pain!
Oh god 'm killing my throat
Damn, I'm killing my throat
Holy fuck, I'm killing my throat
Yeah, Im killing my throat
Actually I should be resting
But im making this song ayayyyy(?)
oh, god, oh god It hurts!!
oh god I'm seriously litteraly killing my throat,
oh yeeeaaah killing my throat
killing my throat
I need some water x2
tortyr (?) ]